
Sleep deprivation has almost become a badge of honor these days. It means you’re working hard, you’re busy, you’re important. But not getting enough sleep has serious consequences such as moodiness, stress and illness. Recent research even suggested that a lack of sleep makes you “stupid and clumsy.”

Retired Cornell professor and research, Dr. James Maas, explains more during his lecture, The Science of Sleep: Everything You Need To Know But Were Too Tired To Ask, 9:30 a.m.-noon Saturday in the James M. Collins Executive Education Center at SMU.

The lecture is meant to “wake you up” about the dangers of sleep deprivation. Maas will share the “golden rules” of sleep and strategies for overcoming insomnia. Maas taught psychology at Cornell University for more than 40 years and has appeared on PBS, BBC and other networks discussing sleep research.

The event is presented by the Dallas Morning News and One Day University, a nationwide series that inspires people to go back to college for one day, covering a variety of subjects.