If an owner can positively identify stolen property, a detective can seize the property. If the property is recovered from a pawnshop, the victim has the option to purchase his property back at the price paid by the pawnshop, or schedule a magistrate’s hearing. During the hearing, the property owner must be able to prove ownership. Using identifiable markings such as a driver’s license number or other unique markings can accomplish this. The magistrate will then decide ownership. If stolen property is recovered from a business other than a pawnshop, the detective can seize the property for return to the victim.

The process of identifying and recovering property is often more difficult than a victim is prepared for. And owner can look at property and believe it to be theirs because of a scratch, blemish or appearance they are accustomed to seeing. This type of identification is generally not sufficient to recover property or file a criminal charge.

When a victim’s property has been identified, a detective will work to determine the identity of the person who sold the property. While this would appear to be an easy task, suspects who pawn or sell stolen property often use false or stolen identification to cover their crimes. A positive identification of the suspect is required before a criminal case can be filled.

We approach all investigations seriously with the goal of recovering stolen property as well as identifying and apprehending suspects for prosecution. It is often a difficult and time-consuming process for the victims and police.

If you observe suspicious activity, or become aware of a danger to public safety that, in your opinion, requires an emergency response by the police or fire departments, you should call 911.

In Dallas, if you are the victim of a crime and need to make a report, call 911 for a police response – even for non-emergencies. (Some other cities have a non-emergency number for police.)

Non-emergency requests for other services in Dallas, such as hazardous potholes, stray animals or traffic signal malfunctions, should be directed to 311 for a response. This service also is available on the city of Dallas website, cityofdallas.org.