Waistlines are growing and budgets are shrinking.
It’s an American phenomenon chef Avner Samuel has picked up on. He’s just came out with a new menu at Aurora that’s good for your health and your wallet.
The dishes on this new menu are prepared with organic ingredients–and because all these fruits, veggies and herbs are grown locally, these dishes are offered at a discount. Although to be honest, I’m not sure how much cheaper, because most dishes are still about $30.
So what exactly will you find on this new menu? Pan-Fried Free Range Good Earth Farm Egg with Crispy Pancetta, Texas Diamond Ranch Caramelized Quail with Local Soft Herbs, and Crispy Organic Heirloom Potatoes and Petit Legumes, for starters. Oh, and if you’d like to order a glass of vino with your meal, organic wine is also available.