Monday was the last day to file to run for Dallas City Council, and Preston Hollow voters will have to choose between District 13 candidates Ann Margolin and Brint Ryan to replace term-limited Councilman Mitchell Rasansky. Margolin is a former member of the city’s park board, as well as a former chair of the Parkland Hospital board of directors.

Tax consulting executive Brint Ryan has also thrown his hat in the ring, making a big splash when he bought a $6,000 full-page ad in The DMN announcing his candidacy — in December. Raj Narayanan, who owns an aerospace consulting firm, previously announced his candidacy and even appointed a treasurer, before backtracking and endorsing Margolin without ever actually filing to run.

Given the current economic environment, and the fact that voters just got done electing a new president, will people that would normally make donations to a council candidate’s campaign scale back their involvement? With the amount of money already being spent on the race, Margolin and Ryan will have to stuff their war chests, but what will be the cost for Margolin or Ryan to get the seat?