If you are a subscriber to our RSS feed providing you with a free daily summary of blog items we’ve posted about the neighborhood in the prior 24-hour period, you might have noticed a couple of old posts with video links popping up in the last few days. Sorry about that: We’re updating our video, blogging and website software, and that error was a part of the process we weren’t aware of until it had already happened. I think we’ve figured out the problem, and we’re hoping it won’t happen again — but if it doesn, now you know why.

And although this may not seem like a good time to tout the service, it’s actually pretty handy. Click here to sign up, and we’ll automatically send you a daily email update of the news and information posted on the blog or an even more frequent update to your internet browser. It’s an easy way to keep up-to-date on neighborhood happenings. You can also click here if you would like to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, which features even more news and information we can’t get in the monthly magazine, along with some great discounts from neighborhood businesses each week.

And finally, if you’ve been paying attention to Apple’s iPad announcement and the supposed revolution it will bring to the world of journalism, you might enjoy taking a look at these two links in your spare time: Sports Illustrated is concepting what it could do to electronically deliver a magazine via an iPad-like device, and Wired magazine is looking at ways to become more electroncially vital, too. Once the hardware is available and the software has been tested, and once the economics allow the technology to trickle down to the neighborhood level (probably in a year or two), I’m sure you’ll be seeing the Advocate complimenting our door-to-door delivery by extending it to the internet, too.