
Next time you go to Minyard Sun Fresh Market on Forest Lane, you might be able to leave your coupons at home. Blue Calypso, a mobile engagement company, recently created a location-enabled microsite for the grocery chain. It’s already used at a couple locations and is expected to become available at the one in our neighborhood soon.

That’s a lot of tech jargon, huh? Here’s what you need to know.

Login to the microsite the second you start shopping. As you walk through the store, you’ll receive product information and be notified of special offers. If you come across a coupon you think your friends might enjoy, share it on social media – the store may reward you for it.

Of course, consumers aren’t the only ones benefiting from this technology. Minyard Sun Fresh also gets something out it. The microsite allows the grocer to follow shoppers’ paths-to-purchase and glean insight into their buying-triggers. So, if you’re the private type, keep it old school. The Sunday paper always features hot deals.