Mark Cuban is ticking off folks for saying he has no use for business suits.

“Why am I such a suit hater? I’m not a suit hater. I just could never think of any good reason for any sane person to wear a suit in the first place,” Cuban wrote on his blog, “Blog Maverick.”

Cuban wore suits early on in his career. Those two “polyester wonders, one grey pinstripe, the other blue pinstripe,” according to Cuban, cost $99 plus tax. He paired the suits with used button-downs and hand-me-down ties and wore them all the time, he says.

“I wore those babies when it was cold. I wore them when it was 100 degrees plus. I ironed them and when I could I got them dry-cleaned.”

When he sold MicroSolutions in 1990, he vowed to never again wear a suit.