Yvonne Crum: “I managed to overcome my trials where so many could not.”

Photo by Danny Fulgencio.

Preston Hollow neighbor Yvonne Crum published her life story in “FYI50Plus,” and it’s so inspiring . She has an incredible story of resilience. Her mother walked out on her when she was a child. As a result Crum went into foster care. “I knew I never wanted to be like my mom or dad,” she says. Crum went on to marry Mayo, become a flight attendant and have two sons. One son, Paul, died in an auto accident. She also overcame breast cancer. Her favorite cause is the Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas, which benefits from her fundraising from Fashion Stars for a Cause Gala. Son Michael also lives in Dallas.

Here’s her recipe for resilience:

H — Happiness

O — Opportunity

P — Perseverance

E — Enlightenment