A regular roundup of stuff that wouldn’t necessarily make it on the blog, but is worth noting:

• Santa Claus is in fine health and ready to go tomorrow night, say Baylor doctors. The big guy was told to watch his weight, and especially those chocolate chip cookies on Christmas.  Said Santa: "Rudolph’s been telling me the sled got heavier last year."

Ned Fritz, one of the founders of the Texas environmental movement, died last week at the age of 92. Dallas environmentalists say it’s impossible to underestimate Fritz’s influence. The obituary details his many achievements, but what struck me was the reverence with which he was regarded by his colleagues. His name came up during our Trinity toll road coverage (Fritz opposed the highway), and when environmental types talked about him, their eyes practically glazed over. My favorite Fritz story? His fight with the city when he didn’t want to cut the grass at his North Dallas home.

• If a Hershey bar isn’t enough, consider these designer chocolates. The article from the Financial Times doesn’t discuss prices, but it’s probably just as well. Kee’s Chocolates, listed in the story, sells one apparently tiny piece for $2.35.

• Parents, dating has apparently changed quite a bit. A Washington research group says there are now more high school seniors saying that they never date than seniors who say that they date frequently. Apparently, it’s all about the hookup. I don’t have kids, so I’ll leave the comments to those who do.