When Bicycling Magazine ranked the worst cities for cycling, Dallas was at the top of its list.

But some visiting bicycling enthusiasts are finding this may not be the case, and had an enjoyable experience traversing Dallas’ bike routes in Preston Hollow.

Orlando resident Keri Caffrey and a companion came to Dallas earlier this month to experience the city’s 800 miles of signed bike routes.
One of their trips sent them from the High-Five interchange to White Rock Lake via Lake Highlands. They stopped to attend a DART-sponsored bike and ride event at the lake before returning north through Preston Hollow.

"The Dallas bike route system is an amazing resource…Dallas had excellent infrastructure to begin with-a grid street system with miles and miles of easy-to-navigate, quiet streets," Caffrey wrote. "This kind of system is a nursery for smart cyclists."

Caffrey wasn’t just impressed with the quality of amenities for Dallas bikers, either.

"The majority of motorists were attentive and cooperative," she wrote. "They also thanked us for little courtesies like allowing them room to turn right on red and acknowledging their right-of-way at 4-way stops…It was clear that in the White Rock area motorists expect cyclists to violate their right of way and were pleasantly surprised when we didn’t."