Want to try your hand making this In-N-Out specialty at home?

We’re lacking any new information about In-N-Out Burger’s impending move to Dallas and, in particular, to a spot near the Chick-fil-A at Central and Caruth Haven — things are still moving forward, but they’re moving pretty-much under the media radar at this point. So instead of discussing that issue again, I’m passing along step-by-step instructions forwarded to me by Jeff Siegel about how to make your own In-N-Out Double-Double Animal-Style at home; the recipe comes complete with tasty-looking pictures. Having tried — and failed — to make some of Jamba Juice’s favorites at home, I’m probably going to wait until In-N-Out opens its doors here. Unless my new find Shake Shack, which I visited a couple of times in New York a few weeks ago, makes it here first…