When an Addison resident commented on Back Talk the other week, saying she drives into Preston Hollow just for I Heart Yogurt, I had to try it. And it’s shame it took me this long.

I Heart Yogurt (at the Southeast corner of Preston and Royal) is really a beautiful thing. It’s self-serve, so you just walk in, pick up a (quite large) bowl and start filling it up with all the yogurt and toppings you want. Then, you take it to the check-out counter and pay 40 cents per ounce. I ended up paying about $4. But what am I explaining all that for? Everyone who’s anyone in Preston Hollow surely frequents this trendy spot. There were lots of kids in there when I went, and they were having a blast.

We definitely don’t have a shortage of frozen yogurt in town. There’s also Pinkberry across the street and Gooey’s down at Preston and Forest. I claim I Heart Yogurt as my favorite. What’s yours?