crime2A burglar/burglars broke into a house on the 6900 block of Lavendale Ave. between 2-3:30 p.m. Feb. 12 by breaking the rear bedroom window, according to Dallas police reports.

According to the neighborhood watch the alarm was on, and the residents that work from home believe this was a professional job.

Muddy footprints clotted the floor where the burglar/burglars stole three laptops, two Samsung TV’s, an iPad 3, a Louis Vuitton purse, shoes, jewelry and a full set of silverware, police reports state.

Not only did the burglar/burglars walk off with more than $50,000 worth of property stuffed in pillowcases, they also took business files and tax documents from the file cabinets, the neighborhood crime watch says.

Neighbors are requesting you call 911 if you see any suspicious cars or people in the alleys, or cars parked at the end of the block near alleys.