Neighbors who walk by 5739 Meletio are greeted with a mask tree.

Darden McGlothlin welded a stainless-steel tree and decorated it with masks housed in Ziploc sandwich bags.

McGlothlin has lived in the neighborhood for about 44 years and wanted to help others. His inspiration? He saw that folks in the Czech Republic were battling the coronavirus better than others because they wear masks. He saw a woman who had hung masks on a tree. He’s made 120 masks so far.

“I made a sign out front and it said, ‘Pick a Mask Tree.’”

On their walks, people come by and take one. “I’m an early adopter of staying in and staying away from people,” he says. “I have people in my family who are doctors and medical people and they say for an old man, that’s the best thing I could possibly do, so I’ve been doing it. And I watch a lot of YouTube videos. That’s how I learned to weld.”