Courtesy of Dallas ISD.

Welcome back, District 1 families! Let me begin by wishing good luck to all our students, teachers, team members, and community members for the 2023-2024 school year. During these first few weeks, I have had the opportunity to witness how our educators are working hard and tirelessly to ensure our students’ success.

I also want to thank the Dallas ISD leadership for choosing Walnut Hill International Leadership Academy (WHILA) as the site for Superintendent Elizalde’s first day of school event. Although I could not attend, I am very proud of how Dr. Philip Meaker and his team pulled out the red carpet to show their fantastic work for our district leadership, parents, and attending media outlets. It is no surprise that D Magazine included WHILA in their 10 Dallas ISD programs or schools you should know about that aren’t magnet schools–along with Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker.

September is Attendance Awareness Month

We know that when students are absent from school, they miss important instruction and can fall further behind in completing their grade level or even graduating. This month, parents of students who have missed excessive days of instruction will receive letters and school notifications with information on how students can improve attendance, restore missed instructional time and remain on track with their education. Dallas ISD has a dedicated team that can provide information and assistance. If you or your student need help, visit the Graduation, Recovery, Attendance/Advocacy and Dropout Intervention (GRA 2 D) GRAAD department website for information.

Junior League of Dallas makes ideas come true for innovative teachers

Thanks to the Junior League for funding 38 outstanding teacher projects in Dallas ISD this year. Each educator will receive up to $2,500 to fund dream projects that provide exciting and unique learning experiences. Congratulations to the following District 1 educators who received grants: Virginia Hadley (W.T. White High School), Dee Anna Pier (Anne Frank Elementary School), and Lizette Rincon (Prestonwood Montessori at E.D. Walker).

Dallas ISD makes positive gains

This year’s STAAR results, released recently by TEA, showed that students in Dallas ISD are closing the academic achievement gap with the state and are now exceeding pre-pandemic STAAR performances. This positive trend gives students and educators an encouraging boost to start the new school year.

The principal on the bus can drive, drive, drive

I also want to congratulate Principal Dawna Duke from Thomas C. Marsh Preparatory Academy, who earned her license to drive a school bus for Dallas ISD earlier this year. She can now make it easier for her students to go on field trips and enjoy a variety of new experiences. Next month, she will even be able to take her students camping, which will be the first time for many of them, thanks to a $21,000 grant from Texas State Parks.

Welcome to District 1

Finally, I would like to welcome some new faces to District 1: Crystal Torres, Pablo Singh and Cynetria McGriff will be the new principals at Foster, Gooch, and Junkins elementaries, respectively. I am sure they will do a fantastic job with the help of their teams, students and community.

Keep up with the most up-to-date news from the district by following us on social media @Dallasisd and @dallasisdEspanol.