A roundup of stuff about the presidential inauguration that wouldn’t necessarily make it on the blog, but is worth noting:

• Are young people, courtesy of this election, going to get more involved in politics? Perhaps, says a report from UCLA, citing increased participation among college freshmen. A record 35.6 percent of first-year students said they frequently discussed politics in the past year, two points more the previous high in 1968. The annual survey began in 1966. On the other hand, some SMU students were less than interested.

Obama your face – or anyone else, for that matter. Just go to the linked web site, follow the instructions, and you can do your portrait in the style of the famous Shepard Fairey poster of the new president.

• And, because the world can never get too much Aretha Franklin, her performance singing “My Country ‘tis of Thee” at the Inauguration. The Queen of Soul has more style than 99.9 percent of the rest of the world — love the hat. And shouldn’t someone have told U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, who does the introduction, who Aretha is? (Video courtesy of Your World Times Video on YouTube.)