Dallas Morning News reported on some of the city’s old fire stations and libraries that are finally going to be sold. The story includes a then-and-now photo of our Walnut Hill Branch Library at Marsh and Northwest Highway. Did you know that in the 1960s, it was the most-used library in the nation? That’s right – more than 40,000 checkouts a month.

Today, it’s a rundown building. It almost became a satellite office for Love Field Airport, but the aviation department changed its mind.

Other buildings on the auction block are the Casa View Branch Library, the Pleasant Grove Library and the West Jefferson fire station. The city hopes to raise around $3.3 million during an auction event, which has not yet been scheduled.

Still not on the list? The old fire station at Walnut Hill and Marsh that has become a canvas for graffiti. It’s zoned residential, and it would be difficult and costly to renovate it into a studio or apartment and bring it up to code.