We can’t stop houses from burning down, and even Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper has discovered that the police department has been cut to the bone during the budget crisis. But a company figures the city has the the time and the money to buy a system to test dog waste for DNA so we can arrest pooper scooper violators.

This is so silly on so many levels that I can hardly focus to write this post. It would require mandatory dog DNA testing in a city that can’t even run a animal shelter without major scandals. Its backers claim it would generate revenue for the city – no doubt in much the same way red light cameras were supposed to (and didn’t).

But you know what the silliest thing about it is? I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually showed up on a city council agenda for a vote. It’s just high-tech and cutting edge enough to impress the city staff, which would prepare a snazzy PowerPoint presentation about dog waste volume. And this council is hardly famous for its common sense.