(Left to right) Preston Hollow Woman’s Club president Michele Stephens, Preston Hollow Elementary principal Tom Brandt, parent Marnie Glaser and PHWC philanthropy chair Lola Sims. Photo courtesy of PHWC

Preston Hollow Elementary is receiving a handful of upgrades, thanks to the Preston Hollow Women’s Club. The philanthropic organization will spend the next three years raising funds to complete the student garden and replace language lab headphones, among other projects.

Paleoanthropologist Lee Berger spoke to Lamplighter students this October.

Lamplighter students learned about humans’ earliest ancestors at a recent assembly. Paleoanthropologist Lee Berger talked about leading the six-woman team that discovered the ancient human species Homo nadeli. He also shared their latest discovery, a species that lived roughly 250,000 to 350,000 years ago.