Photo by Danny Fulgencio

First we had the thief who broke into a neighbor’s car and stole a Louis Vuitton tote bag. Then we had an incident on Dec. 12, when a thief broke the driver’s side of a vehicle parked in a homeowner’s driveway, but stole nothing.

We asked the Dallas Police Department’s Crime Analysis Unit for data on motor vehicle burglaries in zip codes 75225, 75229 and 75230. The 2018 numbers encompass all crimes from Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. Here are the results:

  • 2017 — burglary of a motor vehicle: 841
  • 2018 — burglary of a motor vehicle: 858

However, in 2015, there were 91 burglaries of motor vehicles. That’s an 842.9 percent increase from 2015 to 2018.