Well – it’s full fledged Preston Hollow summer.  I know because I have seen three Lemonade stands while out driving around this week.  I am the car that always stops for them.  I have u-turned to go back to them before.  U-turns are the best for Lemonade stand proprietors.  They see the car slow down, stop and turn around.  Excitement abounds by the business owners jumping up and down and sometimes even arm waving over their heads.  They know you are coming back and it is SO EXCITING. 
But here’s what I want to know.  Why don’t people stop for these?  You don’t have to drink the over-priced lemonade from the too-small and sticky paper cup.  You can take it, put it in your cup holder and drive off.  And don’t pay the posted price.  Who does that?  Pay more. Or ask them how much for two cups of lemonade and watch their out-of-school for-a-couple-of-months minds do the math.   Nothing says summer is full on to me more than when the lemonade stands pop up.  Kids home from school are getting a little bored.  Moms are drumming up ideas to get them out of the house.  And it is HOT HOT HOT.  Perfect circumstances for a Preston Hollow Lemonade Stand.  Stop when  you see one.  You have time.