Last Friday, thousands of neighbors came out for W.T. White’s 17th annual homecoming parade. Here after the jump you can watch a video of some highlights from the royalty-themed parade.

There were some mighty creative floats this year, making for some stiff competition. Ultimately, judges Jeff Dominguez of Tupinamba’s restaurant, James Evans with the nearby Neighborhood WalMart, Dallas ISD Trustee Edwin Flores, and councilmen Ann Margolin divvyed the honors as follows:

Principal’s Choice:  DeGolyer
Most Beautiful:  Withers
Grand Prize: Nathan Adams
Most Spirited: Marsh Cheerleaders
Most Unique: WTW Solar Car Team
Most Enthusiastic: Longhorn Spirit Corporation

Libny Villalobos was named homecoming king, and Aina Lopez was crowned homecoming queen. This year’s duke and duchess are Luke Fechtman and Salina Rodriguez.

Congratulations to the all the prize-winners, homecoming court, and to the all the Longhorns for keeping a neighborhood tradition that’s almost two decades strong.