It wasn’t your typical high school commencement speech.

Folks at both the Observer and the DMN blogs have called attention to Dallas ISD trustee Mike Morath’s unconventional address to graduating seniors at Woodrow Wilson. Morath also represents part of Preston Hollow, particularly the Hillcrest feeder pattern.

Instead of the long, drawn-out “follow your dreams” mantra, he gave them a quick lesson in democracy, demonstrating just how many people vote in the school board elections. Then, he asked to see a show of hands for how many of the kids actually wanted to hear him speak.

Reform-minded Morath has been on the Board of Trustees since May 2011. The Advocate interviewed him about his goals as he prepared to take office in the district.

Politics aside, the speech definitely got the students’ attention and plenty of laughs. And, it’s something they’ll probably remember.

Go ahead and watch the speech — it’s a whole 2:39 minutes.