Let’s take a trip back in time, all the way to May 1, 1972. John D. Arnold and Dallas Notes and Buddy Magazine Editor Brent Stein (Stoney Burns) held a press conference in Dallas.

It was Law Day, but Arnold claimed Burns was not being fairly represented under the law and had been harassed by the police.

“They raided his office at the time, and the Supreme Court had many things to say about that,” Arnold said in archival KERA footage. “Our street dealers have been busted numerous times for selling the paper on the corner of Oak Lawn and Lemmon.”

The paper’s dealers had been arrested under what the state called the “hitchhiker’s ordinance” for collecting money at roadways.

This all happened prior to Burns starting Buddy Magazine later that year, inspired by Buddy Holly. You can read more about that in this story from May 2022.

Watch the full video clip from the SMU Jones Film Archive below.