Courtesy Dallas ISD

Dallas ISD fine arts teachers partner with six Dallas civic leaders for the third annual Heart of Teaching Gala on Nov. 1, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Longhorn Ballroom. The event is dedicated to music, dancing and theatrical performances.

Over the past couple of years, the Dallas Education Foundation (DEF) has launched a campaign to support teaching grants that incorporate fine arts into instruction. The Heart of Teaching Gala serves as DEF’s annual event and will feature Dallas community leaders collaborating with Dallas ISD choreographers for the “Stars of Dallas.”

“Our mission is to educate all students for success,” superintendent, Stephanie Elizalde, said. “Not some students. Not most. All. And the Dallas Education Foundation has proven itself a critical ally in this mission.”

A total of 38 teachers, including choreographers, dance partners, and behind-the-scenes producers, will be actively involved. Additionally, Dallas ISD visual teachers have generously contributed their artwork for an auction later in the evening. Among the notable attendees are Dallas ISD Superintendent Stephanie Elizalde, Chairman Rafael Anchia, Judge Clay Jenkins, Jennifer Staubach Gates, WFAA’s Cynthia Izaguirre and Dallas Education Foundation Board Chair Victor Vital.

According to Dallas ISD, DEF has awarded over $7 million in grants over the past three years, with a focus on enhancing economic mobility for all students. Integrating visual and performance arts into teaching proves to be essential in aiding students who may encounter challenges with traditional teaching methods.

For those interested in attending this exciting event, tickets can be secured through their website.