Photo courtesy of Ryan Binkley.

Preston Hollow resident and Republican presidential candidate Ryan Binkley suspended his 2024 presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump with his “unwavering support.”

The Dallas-area pastor and businessman announced his presidential bid last April. In a public statement on X, formerly Twitter, Binkley withdrew from the presidential race on Tuesday, Feb. 27 around 10 a.m.

“I would like to thank my family, friends, campaign team, 80,000-plus financial supporters and the hundreds of volunteers who helped share my vision,” Binkley said on X. “Without your efforts, prayers, love and generosity, none of this would have been possible.”

Binkley reiterated his motivation for running for president, which centered on addressing “unsustainable deficit spending” leading to “generational economic disruption,” along with his focus on U.S fiscal and monetary policy, border crisis and health care.

“I have seen our party struggle to find a place for a new vision while weighing the corrupt allegations and indictments against President Trump,” Binkley said. “He will need everyone’s support, and he will have mine moving forward.”

During the race, Binkley outlasted other presidential candidates, including senators, governors, and former Vice President Mike Pence. Last week, he participated in South Carolina’s presidential primary, where he received under 0.1% of the vote, totaling 527 votes, as reported by the New York Post. Binkley barely clenched 1% of the vote in each state, with similar numbers in New Hampshire, Iowa and Nevada.

Binkley invested over $8 million in his campaign and received 1,256 votes in the four states he visited. The announcement coincides with Michigan’s primary, making Binkley the last GOP candidate with only former President Donald Trump and Nikki Haley remaining.

Now, he plans to return to Texas to continue with his church and business responsibilities. Although this was his inaugural political campaign, he alludes at exploring other opportunities to promote his policy positions and make a positive impact.

“Let’s continue to pray for our nation and our leaders,” he said. “When we look to each other for wisdom and strength, our future can be better than we can imagine. I look forward to seeing what tomorrow holds.”